Frequently Asked Questions
What if I pick the wrong plan?
No problem. You can switch plans at any time (even during your trial). Pick the plan that seems like the best fit and try it on. You can always change your mind.
Are there contracts or commitments?
Only if you want to. After your 30-day free trial you’ll be asked to pick a plan and enter your payment info, after which the subscription will be billed monthly and you can cancel at any time. If you cancel before the end of a billing period, you’ll retain access until that billing period is over.
What are my payment options?
Online payment methods include major credit cards and Paypal. Prepayment options are available and allow your account to be debited monthly according to your plan. Contact sales@bpn-solutions.com to discuss these options.
Can I purchase more modules but stay in the same plan?
You sure can. You can purchase additional add-on modules for a monthly charge per module. Individual module limitations can be negotiated as part of your contract.
How much does BPN Maestro cost?
BPN Maestro’s pricing starts at $288 USD per month/property. We offer a variety of plans to fit the needs of hotels of all sizes and structures. We’re happy to assist you in picking the plan that best fits your organization.